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Communication & Collaboration


Challenges of Collaboration

Higher Education Institutions recognize intercultural competence as an area needing development for modern students, given the increase in globalized economies and workforces (Peifer, Chambers, & Lee, 2017). Creating global classrooms encourages students to engage in authentic problem solving and think about the views and values they hold, their community holds, and the world as a whole holds (Riel, 1994). Through our global collaboration, we had stumbling blocks that we had to work together to creatively solve.

Our first roadblock involved basic scheduling, which can be difficult logistically in any collaborative environment irregardless of distance. Throwing a six to seven hour time difference with varying career, course, and personal responsibilities made scheduling meetings times a delicate dance. Daylight savings time was another hurdle to our scheduling that we had to face. Students in the United States “Sprung Forward” on March 14 changing our time difference from seven hours to six hours. We did not anticipate the second Daylight Savings change when scheduling our meetings after March 28 to allow for the hour time change that happened in Finland. This caused confusing in our agreed upon meeting time and our actual meeting time. Through strong communication practices, we were able to easily navigate through these issues but they created interesting stumbling blocks.

Without technology, our collaboration would not be possible but technology has occasionally been an impediment also. Zoom account with basic credentials was our first technological challenge due to its max of 30 minute meeting time frames and lack of repeating zoom links. This put a time restraint on our group and created an issue of ensuring everyone is in the correct zoom link. Internet speed and capabilities, causing slow speeds with glitching audio and visual, during zoom meetings occasionally impeded our ability to effectively communicate and caused frustration.

Slack was another digital platform used for collaboration but the free subscription only lasted for the first couple of weeks of the coursework. Our subscription did get taken care of, but in order to keep momentum going without fear of losing our collaborative space we sought other messaging and document share platforms that remain free.



Enrichment of Collaboration

Collaboration is an ideology of interaction where individuals are responsible for their actions, including learning and respect the abilities and contributions of their peers. Group projects can help students develop a host of skills that are increasingly important in the professional world (Caruso & Woolley, 2008). Some of the benefits realised through the project’s collaboration include:

Increased productivity

Collaboration created room for efficient ways of working together to complete the tasks. For example, contribution of different opinions and ideas resulted in brainstorming on the suitable content for the project. Also, division of tasks among the team members shared the workload on individual level thus reducing exertion.

Increased communication

The interaction among the team members brought closeness and openness that enhanced communication. This was useful as channels of communications increased and remained actively in use to project opinions, contributions, and concerns throughout the collaboration process.

Motivation and support

In accordance with the purpose of teamwork, collaborating as a team boosted morale and provided inspirations for the project’s content. The demand and workload of new projects can be challenging especially when it is on an educational level where learning through the projects is expected. Having a support system from the team members made it easier as it enabled problem solving and facilitated assistance. Collaborating as a team also ensured that the focus on the goal of the project was maintained.

Learning platform

Teamwork facilitated skills sharing thus improving learning potential and developed higher-level thinking. This exposure to diverse perspectives in the team enabled learning from each other as well as being able to learn more about individual self, teamwork skills and what can be improved for future collaborations.



Effective Communication

Effective communication is as important to the project as the skill of its participants, enhancing the productivity and boosting morale. However, effective communication is much more than messaging back and forth. Relating information via different means, is one thing, but to make sure one is expressing themselves clearly and effectively. Communication is not only talking, but listening and assessing.

The likelihood of achieving success at work and in society, gaining respect among friends and family, children, spouse, boss, or colleagues -- it all depends on how effectively you are able to communicate.

Half of what people usually try to communicate to others is lost in the process of translation and interpretation. What you are trying to say is not always perceived correctly by the listener, and this can lead to misunderstandings. This is exacerbated by the current pandemic and reliance on the electronical types of communication.

While many people are ineffective in terms of communication, without knowing it themselves. It is more than just talking. Conveying and relating the information effectively is a skill, like any other. Each and everyone can develop effective communication skills over time through practice. Communication is usually more spontaneous, rather than staged or pre-rehearsed, this is mitigated by the text-based communication, such as email or text.

Some of the most effective communication skills include:

  • The ability to listen
  • Ability to speak briefly
  • The ability to show interest
  • Ability not to be biased
  • Ability to use non-verbal communication carefully
  • Observation of the verbal communication of your peers
  • Dealing with stress and anxiety
  • Ability to speak plainly and clearly
  • Adjust the mode of your communication
  • Stay organized and connected

While there are many more cogs in the delicate mechanism that is communication, these ten are not only the most important, but can be outright sabotaging, if misused or neglected.

These simple tips will not only improve project-related progress, but will also be a great addition to anyone’s daily life.
